• Can I still participate if I’m not "in shape"?

    Yes! Our certified trainers meet you where you are in your fitness journey and modifications are provided. If you’re new to working out, we have a supportive community like no other that builds confidence and always has your back.

  • What are the classes like? Is it the same every day?

    We never do the same workout twice, and our weekly protocol includes a combination of resistance and HIIT training. Plus, our classes feature lively music, warm up and cool down, and lots of laughter to keep it fresh, fun, and effective!

  • When I sign up for a monthly option, what membership length am I committing to?

    Our members pay month-to-month. When you sign up, you pay for that month and each month following as long as you want to be a member. If you wish to cancel your membership, you must provide two-weeks’ notice from the 1st of the next month. For example, if you did not want to renew for the month of September, we would need your cancellation notice by August 17 at the latest.

  • What are my payment options?

    We take payment by email money transfer (EMT) or in cash. Payment is due on the 29th of each month. We can also take payment for multiple months or a year at a time if it’s easier for you. Simply chat with Sandy to work out the details.


“The first time I walked into EmpowHER, I knew I had become a part of something special. A class full of strangers quickly changed into a room full of friends…”

“I don’t think I could do one push up when I started but nobody judged me, instead they encouraged me and assured me that they have all been there. I love the variety of the workouts and how Sandy has provided us with a safe place to be able to go.”